When Karra first started volunteering as a shelter photographer at the Kansas Humane Society, one of the first questions they asked her whether she was a cat person or a dog person? She likes to consider herself an Omni animal person. She doesn’t have a personal preference and quite honestly can’t choose a favorite, even if she tried.
Karra has been a pet parent to cats, horses, and a dog, named Heidi. She is currently a pet parent to two senior catizens who have been with her since she lived in an apartment many many years ago (Gryffin is 17 and Phenix is 15).
Karra was raised on a farm, so animals were a major part of her upbringing. Her first pet was a Chinchilla then she moved on to barn cats and kittens then dogs then horses and now she’s back to cats. There have been very few years of Karra’s life when pets haven’t been a mainstay in her life.
We can safely say Karra is an animal person. Somedays, she prefers four leggers over two leggers. We have no doubt that there are many who feel the same way!
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