When selecting your pet’s session location, you must as a diligent pet parent take your pets safety into consideration. If your pet does not feel content and safe, it will show in the photographs.
If your dog is comfortable in just about any location and is dog friendly, the city is our oyster. We can go just about anywhere.
If your dog is sensitive or reactive to other dogs, we are going to want to avoid busy areas of popular parks and parks where (despite off lease ordinance signs) people run their dogs off lease. If we were to visit these parks, a location would need to be carefully selected.
When working with an older dog or one that is ill, it may be suggestible to plan your session at your home where there are familiar sounds and smells. Comfort, consideration and an extra level of TLC is needed when working with older and/or ill pets.
Ok, parks are great for dogs but we hear you saying that you are owned by a cat. Having been owned by two finicky felines cats for many years, we would not suggest going to an outdoor location or to Old Town. Like some dogs, catsprefer familiar surroundings. Let’s be honest a sunny corner on a fluffy pillow is more a feline thing that a walk in the park on a lease.
Whatever we choose to have your session, the main deciding factor first and foremost needs to be safety and where your pet will feel the most comfortable.
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