
Pet photographer Wichita KS – My image on the side of the KHS recycling truck!

I have been photographing at the KS Humane Society for nearly two years (wow, time has flown by!). During that time, I’ve accumulated many many hundreds of photos of the animals I’ve photographed. The communications department asked if I might be able to send them copies as I’m getting tight on space so I had started to weed through keepers and out take shots. About 2 months ago, they asked for the original image of Ruffnutt, a young cat from August 2014.  They said was for a project they were working on and how would I like to be credited. I was happy to oblige and thrilled to help out. It wasn’t until last week that I found out what the project was for….the side of the 18 or so ft KHS recycling truck! When the volunteer coordinator stopped me in the hallway and asked me if I’d seen the truck, I asked what truck? He said your cat image is on the side of the recycling truck! I was beyond excited and when I actually got outside to see the size of the truck and my image, I cried, laughed and did a little happy dance! I’m pretty sure anyone seeing my reaction got a good laugh. I don’t care, I am so beyond honored to have had my work selected for this project!

If you are interested in helping out, its as easy as donating aluminum cans at designated location.  You can find a list here.   The stations set up resemble this one at my local Walmart.



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